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Drumroll, please!

The family has come and gone. The cookies were baked, decorated and eaten, the white elephant gifts traded, the floors slept on and the cousins reunited.

The house is quiet, and the kitchen is clean.

Time for pictures.

It's done. And I LOVE it.

The whole process was worth it to have this kitchen that I absolutely love. This is the room I've always wanted - the room that reflects my style - the room where I will spend many many hours with a cup of coffee and my cookbooks, planning and preparing meals and treats for my family.

This really is the heart of my home.

Welcome to my kitchen.


  1. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Amen girl! Look at that kitchen! It is a BEAUTY!!! All that hard work and time has obviously been worth the wait!!! I know you will enjoy it! You deserve it! I bet it sure makes your heart smile! :) Have a great week and bake lots of cookies :) Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!

  2. Anonymous10:35 PM

    OH MY GOSH! It is even more lovely than I ever imagined. Cathy, I am thrilled for you. This is a kitchen people dream about. YAY! It's done. For that reason alone, I'm happy. But when I look at these pictures, I'm much more than happy for you... I'm over the moon, out of my mind, excited and thrilled for you. I am so glad that this "ordeal" is now a memory. Now, you begin to live your dream. What a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas and begin your new year. YIPPEE!

  3. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Giggle. I came back again because I just had to take a second look at this lovely kitchen. Cathy, truly, I am just thrilled for you. And, I forgot to mention that your new banner rocks my world. It is FANTASTIC. What a fabulous photo.

  4. Looks great! Everything is beautiful (invite Mindy over for dinner) and I'm sure well organized! I can't believe it is already (invite Mindy over for dinner) finished and your family has come and gone! I love the new banner; it is gorgeous! (invite Mindy over for dinner)! See you soon.

  5. wow!!! that turned out gorgeously! i hope it was worth your trouble!! ;) hopefully you'll never have to go through that again!!! now, you get to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor!

  6. Oooohhh!

    .....going to take another look~ it's absolutely luscious!

  7. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Just doesn't look quite complete without Gracie laying on the rug in front of the sink. :)

  8. Oh, thanks everyone... I'm SO thrilled with the end result. It feels so clean and new and wonderful and me.
    Tawnya - I don't feel as though I deserve it at all, but I am SO grateful that we were able to do it... my dh is very generous and such a hard worker... he spoils me.

    Kelly E. - thanks - it really did turn out just the way I'd hoped. There just isn't anything I can look at and say I wish I'd done differently. Isn't that wonderful?

    Kelly - I do feel grown up - you pegged it perfectly.

    Min - I've been thinking... do you and Danny and the kids want to come over for dinner sometime soon?

    Kate - it was TOTALLY worth all the mess and the days and days of chaos. I'm SO thrilled with the results.

    Christine - LOVE that word luscious... it is yummy.

    Mom - see the latest post to see little Gracie on her rug!

  9. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Oh, Cathy....what a beautiful, beautiful kitchen. I can see how you will be spending many happy, contented hours in this cozy, warm kitchen. What a joy.


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