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Target practice

It's a day for bullet points...

  • I just finished my entry in this month's circle journal. It was themed "I will never be the same." I decided to write about my transition from dog avoider to dog lover... I know, it's not deep or especially meaningful, especially compared to the journal owner's entry, which was all about the birth of her two preemie daughters. Oh well. It's where I was at. And besides, I had these great pictures of me with Gracie that I really wanted to use somewhere. Now I send it off and wait for the next journal. It should be here late this week.
  • I'm all about letting go of certain control issues with my kids lately. K. insists on wearing shorts to school every day right now. Do I fight with him about it? No. Do I think he's going to freeze to death? Yes. But hopefully he'll learn his lesson.
  • I've been thinking about my future lately. Even considering (a teeny-tiny bit) going back to school. One of my deepest darkest secrets is that I never finished my bachelors degree. I quit school because I was passionate about working with inner-city kids and just wanted to get into the ghetto and love on them. I don't regret it. It was exactly where God wanted me. But then we got married, and Asia was getting his Master's degree, and then we started having babies. So here I am, with probably two and a half years of college under my belt and no degree. Anyway - I'm considering a degree in graphic design. We'll see. It's huge that I'm even considering it. I've NEVER wanted to go back to school. But my heart is changing...
  • It's time to write up class descriptions for my classes through August. I've got some fun ideas. I always love a new slate of classes... it keeps me creating and pushing myself.
  • Have I mentioned how much I really really love my new kitchen? Every morning when I walk in there I feel like it's exactly the way I always dreamed it would be. It's just perfect.
  • American Idol tonight. Can't wait to see Chris again. Mmmm. That boy can sing.
  • I subscribed last fall to a magazine called Budget Living. My sister-in-law subscribes to it and I had looked at it several times and liked it. So when the neighbor boy from the catholic school came knocking on my door selling magazines, I decided to get it. I got one issue. The December one. Haven't seen another one since. The 1-800 number in the front of the magazine for customer service has been disconnected and the subscriber part of the website is "page not available." Methinks they've gone under. I hope the catholic school got their money, because I'm sure not getting my magazines. Things like that drive me crazy.
  • What is it with Dr. Pepper? I'll tell you straight up. I'm a Pepper. But people who don't like Dr. Pepper have really strong feelings about it. Like, I feel like I need to keep my Pepper-ness to myself, because people might not like me if they find out. My friend Ann accidentally pulled one of my Diet Dr. Peppers out of the fridge at work and took a big swig out of it thinking it was her can of Coke. From her description of it, you'd think her throat closed up and she almost went into anaphylactic shock from it. Geez. It's not that bad.
  • Why does the word 'fridge' have a 'd' in it when the word refrigerator does not?
  • The kids and I are heading over to Astoria on Saturday to spend spring break with my folks. I'm looking forward to just hanging. We'll go to the beach, and ride the trolley and do the Astor Column... I love Astoria. There's just no prettier town anywhere. I'm really hoping to take some time by myself to practice my photography. And hopefully I'll end up with some frame-able shots. I'd love some pics of my hometown on my kitchen walls.

There you go.

Did I hit anyone?


  1. Since fridge is a contrived word, people would naturally write it "fridge". "-idge" is pronounced with a short "i" sound, like in partridge or porridge. "Frige" would be pronounced with a long "i" sound because of the vowel-consonant-"final e" rule with vowel sounds. "Fridge" just seems right.

    What I wonder is why "one" doesn't have a "w" but "two" does. I bet, over the years, the "w" just climbed up from one to two. In five thousand years it will be in three. "Threew". It's a climber, that "w".

    Hello, Cathy.

  2. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Boy that was more than I wanted to know about "Fridge", my head hurts and I am reminded that "English" was not my favorite class in school.

    Now I forgot what I was going to comment on ... Oh yeh, Dr. Pooper.

    There are at least two reasons why I don't like Dr. Pepper.

    1. In boot camp, not a fun experience, the only flavor of pop left in the vending machines was Dr. Pepper. So I automatically associate it with a very stressful, not fun, time.

    2. Once as we walked through a supermarket they were offering samples of "Hot Dr. Pepper", Uck, ugh, spit, toss the cup away. It was the worst tasting thing I have ever allowed in my mouth. I'm sure it is raisin juice. I've got a bad taste in my mouth even thinking about it.


  3. Scott - your intellect is truly dizzying. Of course, it makes perfect sense when I see it explained that way in plain english.


    Dad - I know, I know. I've heard the raisin juice theory before. I didn't know the boot camp story though. That makes sense... but I still don't know why so many other people have such strong reactions to it...

  4. * I don't know why there's a D. Let's stop using it.

    * I had cousins grow up in Astoria. They were kind of on the rough side, so I am not telling you who they may not like me anymore. (not that I was anything like them)

    * You may not like me after I tell you......I don't like Dr. Pepper either. :)

  5. Kim. You simply cannot come to my blog and tell me you have cousins from Astoria and then not tell me who they are. I won't stand for it.

    Fess up, Chickie.

    And for your information, probably 75% of the people from Astoria were kind of on the rough side... it's just the nature of the place... you've gotta tell me...

  6. I liked Pepper before he got his Ph.D. Now he's a real stiff. He's sweet, too sweet, in fact, but he's a snob.

    Mr. Pibb is much more down to Earth, though I heard he was starting his Masters, so that may change.

    Hello again.

  7. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I don't get it. What's wrong with raisin juice? Raisins are dried grapes. I like grape juice. I like prune juice (another dry fruit). Now I understand that some people don't like warm pop...I'm ok with it...and I like that I can save money with flat pop or even warm pop left over from the night before. And why do people on the other sides of the USA call it pop vs soda?

    Astoria does have a bit of a rough history....shanghigh (sp?) in the last century, murders in the past 20 years, and meth epidemic this century. Doesn't mean tho that there aren't some really nice people here too. After all, I live here and so do Bob and Dee. :)

  8. Anonymous6:18 PM

    I'm such a Pepper!!!! Love that stuff!

  9. Anonymous6:27 PM

    All right ANNOYMOUS from Astoria..
    Crawl out of your shell. I bet your first initial is J but I know two J's that pop in here but won't fess up.

  10. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Cate, I was so thrilled to see mention of my name and as a friend, on your blog, as you know I was internetless for two days and not be able to read your thoughts from the deep recesses just left a hole in the whole day. I'm up and running on my new laptop, wireless, sitting in my easy chair adding all my favorites to my menu so life is good. ahh

  11. LOVE, LOVE Diet Dr. Pepper, or as Seth called it when he was 2 "Depper Depper." Your blog caused me to stumble in my Lenten sacrifice. :-)

    I haven't made Seth wear a coat for 2 years. I figure, when he gets cold, he'll start wearing a coat. The Grandparents struggle with it, but....what are you going to do.

    I support your school thoughts! I bet you would love school this time around.

  12. Anonymous3:23 AM

    I wanna go back to school too! I got married when I was 21 and have been ever since LOL.. My husband has his Masters Degree as well. I totally feel that I am going to do this someday. In fact I ever brought it up to Dwight just recently. I just dont know how to work it in right now. We shall see.

    I think you rock. I love ya a billion times over! Thanks for being such a cheerleader for me all the time. Love.You!

  13. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I am a closet dr. pepper lover too. :) Did you ever have the dr. pepper gum back in the 80's? It was a soft square and when you bit into it a little dr. pepper juice squirted into your mouth...*LOL*...sounds pretty gross to me now.


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