We drove home from our extended family Christmas on Sunday... As we were coming through the Columbia Gorge, we enjoyed very little traffic... seems most people had done their traveling in the days leading up to Christmas Eve. There was the occasional car in front or behind us, and of course, Asia made it his goal to pass them all. (It is, after all, a race, I'm told.) At one point, we were passing a little blue car. I glanced over, as I often do. I'm always curious about who's on the road and what kind of life they might lead. Asia must have glanced too, because I heard him say, "Oh GREAT!" at the same time that I yelled, "SHE'S ASLEEP!" The driver was fully out. Eyes totally closed. Face completely relaxed. Sound asleep. What do you do? Asia didn't want to honk and scare her awake when we were right next to her, in case she veered or swerved when she awoke. So we went a little past her, and he honked. Really honked. A lot. We, of course, could...