I'm beginning a self-imposed blog break today. I feel like there are more demands on my time right now than I can possibly meet if I'm using precious time to write a daily blog entry. In the next couple of weeks, I've got to move back into my kitchen, (organizing as I go, since this is the perfect time to really plan out how my kitchen should work,) finish Christmas shopping, get three Christmas trees up and decorated, supervise the finishing of the remodel, make sure my kids stay on task with homework and other obligations, wrap all the presents, plan two birthday celebrations, do some Christmas baking, train the dog, clean the house top to bottom once all the construction is done, stay on top of laundry, etc, etc, etc... I just need to remove the distraction of the computer for a few days. I will be checking my email - once in the morning, and once at night, so I can still connect with people that way, but for now, the blog is officially on hold - at least through next We...